Portion of a Mural, Grand Junction, Colorado[1] Better Times than These? We tip our hat to Winston Groom for this profound question. And to Forrest Gump. In a number of our Posts, such as Repeating Torpedo Marbles, we have taken a long look back at the way we were in America about 100 years ago. To do this we used the … [Read more...] about Grandpa’s Marble Stories
Marbles in the Mountains 2023
We had a good time this year in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Like last year the show and sale was at the Twin Mountains Inn & Suites which is directly on the West Prong of the Little Pigeon River. And, again, like last year, our room overlooked the River. New Hot Glass Artists While we are always glad to see old friends, we … [Read more...] about Marbles in the Mountains 2023
More Fun With Minerals
From the Collection of Mitch & Stacey Dunn In our first post about mineral marbles we explained that we have always enjoyed collecting minerals and gemstones as well as glass marbles. Our approach to the topic is geologic rather than metaphysical, and we defined a few scientific terms useful to any gem and mineral … [Read more...] about More Fun With Minerals
Fun With Mineral Marbles
A Look Back Over Our Shoulder … Awhile back in the post Rock & Roll: How to Store and Show Your Marbles we talked about our fascination with rocks and minerals. This fascination with rocks, minerals, gemstones, and stone artifacts is much older than our marble collection. In the Rock & Roll: How to Store and Show Your … [Read more...] about Fun With Mineral Marbles
Heisey Glass Marbles
In July 2021 we ordered some glass marbles, which we had seen online, from the Heisey Museum (https://heiseymuseum.org/). They still have some stock left. Gorgeous, aren’t they? And small at about 9/16” to 17/32”. Each has a crystal base and some of the most unusual ribbons that we have ever seen. And they are from one unique and … [Read more...] about Heisey Glass Marbles
Why Not Dirt and Rocks?
Every collector has a particular way of going about it. Some collect only Peltier Glass Company (“Pelts”) and some are even more specific than that: they only collect National Line Rainbos (NLRs) or Comics. Others are crazy about sulfides and German swirls and they spend their time and money searching high and low for for these. … [Read more...] about Why Not Dirt and Rocks?
Repeating Torpedo Marbles
New Haven, Connecticut The Daily Morning Journal and Courier July 1, 1901[1] They Put What on a marble? This is the same heading we used to start our story Marshmallow Marbles? In that post we explained how incredulous we were to learn that a company made and sold marshmallow candy. It was unbelievable to us that any company would … [Read more...] about Repeating Torpedo Marbles
You Dug It Up Where?
Sketch by Lynn G. Howell The Low-Down on Privy Marbles Full disclosure: we have never dug a privy![1] Never had the opportunity and we have learned recently that you have to be either young and strong or older and in good physical shape to successfully dig. Some privy digs are so deep that a ladder is needed just to reach the … [Read more...] about You Dug It Up Where?
Marshmallow Marbles?
A Deleterious Ingredient! What, you ask, is a deleterious ingredient? Basically, it is any foreign object or ingredient in food that can adversely affect your health. When marbles were inserted into candy during manufacturing, they became a deleterious ingredient! 17 Years? In the recent post Dragons and … [Read more...] about Marshmallow Marbles?
Regional & Local Glass Marble Artists
“Creativity takes courage.” — Henri Matisse Can’t Every Artist be Internationally Known Today? Yes, it’s true. With the Internet, any artist with a good camera and a willingness to develop a web site can become well-known worldwide. Many have. We have met glass artists in their studios and galleries all across the United … [Read more...] about Regional & Local Glass Marble Artists
Contemporary Art Glass Marbles
It’s got to be Art! In 2007 we had only been collecting marbles for a few years and our focus was on glass mid-20th century American machine-made marbles. However, we had learned about stone (and agate), clay, and other marble materials and we had seen all sorts of handmade art marbles online and in a few shops. For Christmas … [Read more...] about Contemporary Art Glass Marbles
Girls Are Crack Shots With A Marble
“Boston boys are sore because the girls are playing marbles. Gee whiz, hoaly smoak, paw, isn’t there any limit to sex invasion?” Evening Public Ledger, Philadelphia, PA, March 22, 1922, Night Extra, Page 8. Their Marble Playing Blazed a Trail for Others “Hoaly Smoak”! In recent posts we have noted that we enjoy browsing in the … [Read more...] about Girls Are Crack Shots With A Marble