In the recent post Dimple Shooting in Belgium we introduced Wendy Leyn of Zandvoorde in West Flanders Belgium. Wendy lives in the old boys’ school of Zandvoorde which was rebuilt after the total destruction of the first world war (14-18). He told us about the upcoming first Belgian Marble Festival planned for August, where they would play dimple and tell stories about marble history past and present.
Wendy recently shared photographs of the Festival and it looked just like the many marble Festivals we have attended over the years in Tennessee, at Cairo, Paden City, Bridgeport, and so many other places.
There was fun, food, and drink, and lots of dimple play. People enjoyed each other’s company and camaraderie, and prizes and trophies were given at the end!
Here are some new photos of the event!
Except for the Stella Artois beer, which is brewed in Leuven, Belgium, doesn’t this look just like the many “show and tell” marble shows you have attended and loved?
But here is where the Belgian Festival gets very different indeed!
Here you can see the marble just shy of the dimple! Now what? We’re not certain, but it looks like we are going to shoot ringer style!
We certainly wish we could have participated! We would have learned so much. But now we have seen dimple shooting in action. Members of the Wervik Marble Club worked hard to bring this successful Festival to the community and they tell me they are already looking forward to next year!